Calle Barcelona 1. 43850 Cambris -Tarragona 977365047 / 637438651 / 663044695

In Hostal Fonda Montserrat we have a wide dining room for 120 people, where you will be able to enjoy of traditional and Mediterranean cuisine, using always market and proximity products

We elaborate all our dishes in a traditional way, using the same recipes as in our beginnings and adapting them to the new tendencies. In our restaurant you will be able to taste, on the one hand, fresh fish chosen every morning at the fish market of Cambrils, and on the other hand, you will be able to enjoy traditional dishes like braised pork feet with snails, a codfish “esqueixada” with anchovy roes and endive with "romesco". They are dishes that have made our restaurant a referent of home cooking in Cambrils.

During the week our clients can enjoy of a complete menu from Monday to Friday at midday for 14,5 €. We elaborate a special menu in the weekends for 21 €. During the whole week we offer La carte of the restaurant, as well the wines list, with a wide variety of dishes and wines with D.O.


Weekday Menu 15,50€

Weekend Menu 23,50€

*Menu dishes may vary according to the day of the week and season of the year.